Preparation of Small Claims Court Legal Documents and Serving Small Claims Forms.
Whether you're completely unfamiliar with the Small Claims Court and need step by step help navigating through the process (from origin of claim to collection of money and/or specific performance), or you're familiar with the process and simply want your small claims paper served ASAP, Instant Process Service can make your task a lot less complicated.
In a nutshell, here's what we can do for you:
• Explain the entire small claims process to you — start to finish.
• Provide and prepare your small claims forms.
• Ascertain the exact legal name of your business defendant as applicable.
• File your claim at the appropriate court (filing fee required).
• Serve your claim and provide you with a timely Proof-of-Service.
• File your Proof-of-Service timely with the court.
Provide follow-up assistance as needed.
We can do any combination of the above—call (626) 284-2418 for a free Instant Quote for your individual requirements. |